Children and Youth Services

The mission of Children and Youth Services (CYS) is to provide for the immediate safety and protection of children, to keep children with their own families whenever possible, to provide temporary, substitute care for children when necessary and to reunite children with their families as quickly as possible after placement.

CYS investigates all allegations of child abuse and/or neglect, adolescents who are at severe risk due to their behavior or that of their parent(s) as mandated by state law.

What We Do

In all cases CYS provides case management, counseling, and related supportive services to abused and/or neglected children from birth up to age 18, and their families. We work directly with children and families in times of crisis while keeping with the agency's mission/goals. The agency offers services to stabilize and offers rehabilitative services to reunite the family.

We are guided by the Child Protection Services Law (CPSL)

Delaware County CYS offices serve families according to the school district in which the child resides.

Eddystone Office:
Upper Darby Office:
Chester-Upland Haverford
Chichester Marple-Newtown
Garnet Valley Radnor
Interboro Southeast Delco
Penn-Delco Springfield
Ridley Upper Darby
Rose Tree Media William Penn

Services We Provide

Information and Referral

Child Sexual Abuse Unit

Emergency Shelter Care

Family Engagement Services

Foster Care and Kinship Care Services

How To Make A Referral

If you suspect child abuse and/or neglect, please contact ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313. The information you provide will be directed to Delaware County Children and Youth Services.

How to Contact Children and Youth Services

Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, evening hours by appointment.

Toll Free Number: 1-800-416-4511

Emergency Calls
After office hours, holidays, and weekends: